WizCast: Podcasts from the Young Wizards Universe

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Questions to be handled in upcoming podcasts

We'll add them to this post as they come in.

From Mitchy:

"I've noticed two alien types that re-occur in your books: The multi-tentacled species called Sulamids (from various ST books and at least one Wizard book that I can recall) and walking, talking Christmas trees (the Lahit in "Doctor's Orders" and Filif from "Wizard's Holiday"). I was just curious as to how these guys came about. I'm assuming you're very fond of them as they keep cropping up and I don't blame you: they're pretty nifty cool :)"

From Peter Murray:

"1) Was Michael already within Ronan before his Ordeal? We were discussing in chat if he went from what happened in HW to Ronan, or if it's the non-sequential time thing again.

(DD) -- >PM -- Good question. I'll look into it.
(PM) I wondered if you were likely to answer in the Concordance.
(DD) --> PM -- Might make sense.

I don't know if this was a "think about it" one, or if that's the definitive answer :) :

2) Did Annie and her grandmother each know the other was a wizard?
(DD)--> PM -- Good question...I have No Idea.


3) When was the Song of the Twelve first sung? It was more than ten thousand years ago, and it says maybe two million in DW somewhere."
10:54 AM


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